meet our all new LITE↯BLOX online instruction manual

Dear customers & partners, since our products have become more versatile over the last years, it was time for us to set up an all new product documentation… On behalf of this, please get in touch with our full LITE↯BLOX user manual including: – detailed product documentation – installation & maintenance – usage of the [...] read more

LITE↯BLOX lithium battery review – video by Alias23

“Box opening of the LITE↯BLOX Lithium battery for the Lotus Exige V6 S3, walking through the huge weight savings and new capabilities that come with the LITE↯BLOX that ensure the longevity and convenience of living with a lithium battery way beyond anything else on the market!” – enjoy this great unboxing video* by our partner [...] read more

LITE↯BLOX with extended 5-year warranty

As an engineering company based in Germany, we set high standards for all LITE↯BLOX products, true to our motto “quality before quantity”. In this context, we always provided comprehensive service and support for all products sold since day 1 (customer service, general maintenance & or exchange of specific parts if required)… With the LITE↯BLOX material [...] read more

Audi R8 with 23kg weight saving on the battery

Our partner BARTEK Motorsport is currently building an ambitious project vehicle based on the Audi R8 and using an LB28XX as a replacement for the large, heavy standard starter battery with a weight saving of over 23kg: “Die Liteblox Batterie soll zur Optimierung im Audi R8 eingesetzt werden, um unter anderem das Gewicht zu reduzieren. [...] read more